Daniel · 12 answers · 3y

Do you think Jesus really existed?

they may have been a man named Jesus at some point. Although I've heard it may be a compilation of stories put together into one magic man like James Bond

There are accounts of a man named Yeshua whose life and times kinda sorta match but pretty sure he had an plain ol' earthly father, we'll have to ask Maury Povich - is there a European Maury Povich? Trashy daytime 'talk' show?

Yes, he lost out to Barabas in the public vote of 33 A.D’s. edition of Judea’s Got Talent!

Sure, you do not think the Roman government put effort into non existent people? If the name was Jesus or other is not really important when you assume a divine state later. Which by itself is quite a totally different subject.

I think there maybe was a carpenter by that name somewhere at some point. But in the bible-thumping sense: no, I think it’s all a story made up by people to keep other people under a spell and under control.

Maybe.. But not like the Saviour he was supposed to be. Maybe it was an important person in his age but nothing to do with the religious thang

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