Daniel · 16 answers · 3y

What's a cartoon character that you find kinda hot?

there's this one lady from the anime adaption of durarara, the headless motorcycle lady.....shes hot

Actually, it's demented to be attracted to cartoon characters. It's not like I'd want all the gargoyles (except for Angela, because her parents are already there) to choke me with a weighted jump rope. I don't even know why you would suggest that.

Tbh I'm pretty sure I thought velma or daphne was hot when I was a wee lad...still do tbh

Hm, can't really think of one that did/does anything for me - in fact back in the day my favorite 'hot take' along these lines was that Jessica Rabbit was NOT hot... hey let's just go with Raven, I was into her whole dark vibe

Laureline from Valerian&Laureline. Has nothing to do with the movie. Cara is super, but totally different from the cartoon Laureline.

When I watched Disneys "Beauty and the Beast" for the very first time many years ago, I believe I was 15 or so, I thought that "Beauty" looked really pretty.

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