Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

Should scotland be an independent country?

For their own benefit I'd say no. But its not really my say - its for the never ending referendums that'll keep happening until the desired result happens.

They are whatever their majority decides. Yet, over the course of history, they often decided to stay within the union.

As someone who knows little about Scotland and more importantly as someone who's not Scottish, I'm not qualified to answer this question TBH.

If the majority of people there want it, sure. Good luck to them with the SNP being fully in charge though (who think it's a good idea to police people's speech in their own homes).

I would think so, but they've had referendums on the matter and they voted to remain. But maybe wanting to rejoin the EU would be enough to sway them this time.

I’m not from Scotland so I have no idea what would be best for them. I do however have it on my list of places to go and explore. I love the history and I’d like to learn more about it

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