Daniel · 18 answers · 3y

Would you ever get a botox injection?

I am plenty handsome without putting botulism toxin in me, I can always go to Subway if I want that (bah-dum-bum)

no thanks, when i get wrinkles i get wrinkles. everything ages so why pretend that i'm not

Nope, was self conscious about my big lips as a kid, won't do that to myself again as an adult lol

Not for the sake of my appearance, no. But I’d definitely consider it for medical reasons.

Nope. At least not for the looks. However, one of the way to somehow control dystonia [some disease that my parents gave me!] is Botax injection. Mine isn't very bad. If I had a crippling kind of dystonia, I would probably try Botax injection ...

Yeah. Sure. It’s not a necessity for me though so in reality I’ll probably never get it.

Possibly, not for vanity, but botox injections are great at killing overactive sweet glands... I don't think I have that anymore but several years ago it would have been great to have.

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