Daniel · 16 answers · 4y

Are you in touch with the youth? What are some new words or expressions that 13-18 year olds use nowadays?

I don't know about that old ones, but my little brothers keep doing Fortnite dances and dabbing as a response to everything and anything

someone should tell them dabbing went out of style several years ago

I remember being on the train and hearing school kids getting on talking about TikTok and stuff. I remember hearing a girl say something like "omg Will's so hot but his memes are so bad" once. Every time my reaction is something akin to wtf/cringe

Only bc im still in my early 20s. Erm, lit, dope, trash, deezed, fire, that shit slaps, etc etc

My nephew uses lots of anglicisms from lets players, hell do I know what's hip with the youth.

Not really. Is "stan" one (as in obsessive fan)? I know it comes from a character in an Eminem song (released before most Zoomers were even born), but it only seems to have become popular in the last couple of years. But regardless of whether it's a Zoomer or a Millennial word, this Millennial/32-year-old boomer finds it very annoying, especially when used as a verb: "I stan (celebrity)".

hmm, I was born in the year that is right on the border of millenial/gen Z so I feel like I'm fairly in touch with a lot of young people internet language culture? but maybe the 13-18 group is more niche because I can't think of any of those off the top of my head. or maybe I would recognize them if I heard em

I think I'm in touch with some of the words, because I read Twitter a lot, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe if you quizzed me. It's odd, there's a sizable proportion of Twitter posts that I don't understand one bit. I feel so..out of the current loop of humanity.

A few years ago I overheard some hoodlums referring to the backyard area in-between where I live and my neighbors houses as "a trap" so I had to Google it and read what it meant on Urban Dictionary. I also didn't know what "yeets" was for the longest time so no, I'm not "with the times".

Yes, my nieces are 15 and 17 but I don't pay attention to their new vocabulary bc whenever they talk to us (family) they do it normally

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