Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Should prostitution be legal?

Yes. Men should be able to go to safe, clean places where they can pay to have sex with women who aren’t being exploited, don’t have dependency issues, and aren’t being stigmatised.

We all know that prostitution will always exist sadly. They say it's the oldest profession of the world so..if we have to live with it, at least, make it safer for them. So yes, it should be legal

yes to decriminalization, I fail to see who tossing hookers in jail helps - once again, addressing root causes like poverty and education would shrink the number of people hooking, but nooooo that money gotta go to cops and jails, ugh

If its legal to rub the body of others for money legally, that should include their genitals too.

I realize that this is extremely hopeful/naive, but I wish it didn’t even exist.

Yes. It's going to happen anyway, and by making it legal you make it safer for everyone involved.

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