Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

Do your friends and family members still take the coronavirus serious?

Not as seriously as they used to. In the last couple of months prices of essential goods have gone up considerably. Here most people worry more about their livelihood than the virus and I can't blame them. The regime has fucked us all ...

No, we know it's all bullshit. LMAO and SMH at people who still believe in it. #Scamdemic

yes, generally. most of us have been staying home and making sure not to go out superfluously. some of my relatives have had to go back to work but are taking whatever precautions they can. I can think of one cousin of mine who is being an absolute dumb fuck and going to birthday parties with 10+ people and posting it on social media without a mask in sight. the irony is that he is a devout Christian. love thy neighbor by not exercising your right to be a vector of disease, jfc

I do. My family is losing discipline. From what I understand my friends are good eggs and aren't taking the piss.

My brother has been stuck in Mexico City, where he felt the earthquake, because of the virus so I know he's still taking it seriously. My dad's not taking it seriously. My mom isn't taking it seriously, she's currently trying to travel and she seems more upset about how hard it is to travel than the virus. Most of my friends are still taking it seriously, but not as seriously as they were taking it in March even though the number of cases here are increasing.

All of us pretty much do except for one person I know that makes light of it. She also voted for Gary Johnson because her boyfriend's name is Gary, that should tell you where her priorities lie.

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