Daniel · 10 answers · 8mo

Are you in debt?

not really, but I have health problems and all and I'm fortunate that the health care people can show up and shake me down for everything that comes in without ending up in the red, yet

I have to pay for school still. maybe at 17 I should have had a better concept of student loans but I’m just gonna say the school system failed me. I genuinely didn’t have a full understanding of it until after I graduated college. I have to pay it but I believe if it was truly explained to me and also explained that you don’t just get a job you want right out of college I probably would have never went in the first place.

I've got a house and a masters degree - sooooo yup. But its all under control - I'm even overpaying off my mortgage, just a shame my student loan interest rate has gone up 15 times in the last 4 years (from 1% to 6.25%) when I'm fairly sure my interest rate was locked when I took it out.

I don't know if it counts but I'm currently on a payment plan for one of my medical bills, and I'm making monthly payments of $100. I'll be doing this until next year.

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