Daniel · 12 answers · 4mo

Have you ever forgotten to eat a meal?

Yep cooked a whole meal got drunk blacked out passed out didn’t eat til the next morning jaja

I don't have any particular regimen regarding eating, so it wouldn't be that I "forgot," it would just be that I wasn't hungry and didn't feel like eating at some particular time or another.

I do every once in a while, but more likely I haven't forgotten and can feel hunger just fine, but task inertia has taken over

When I was taking a prescribed medication some time ago, I had to set reminders to eat because it killed my appetite and eliminated my hunger cues. It was awful because savoring foods is one of my joys in life. After about 3 months I asked my doctor to take me off that shit. I was MISERABLE and I looked like a tiny fraction of the woman I was before, which brought up all kinds of trauma/body issues from having grown up as a really skinny kid.

Totally so. When I am amidst a creative process I do not feel hunger until much later.

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