Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Whats the worst thing that happened to you today?

My day started off badly. I’m having a few days off, so naturally I was rudely awakened at 7am by a (false) fire alarm - and I’d only had about 2 hours sleep. Then, because I was up so bleeding early, I decided to go out for breakfast which in turn lead to doing a bit of light shopping and spending a bloody fortune. I’m back home, I’ve had coffee and a mince pie and it’s still only half twelve!

I saw the footage of Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez dying on the floor for hours, with no assistance, that was the most upsetting thing that happened today. The worst thing that really happened to me though was that my cat tore a hole in my bread bag.

I was baking cookies for my students and I dropped a cookie while transferring the batch to a cooling track smh

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