Daniel · 17 answers · 4y

Would you already be dead if medicine and hospitals didnt exist?

I would probably have died at a young age from poisoned tonsils. I had taken tons of antibiotics before getting them removed at age eight.

Yes. If it weren't for the NHS, really. I suffered from pretty bad asthma attacks when I was smol, was always in and out of hospital.

Praise be the NHS.

Almost certainly, if the bloodloss didn't do me in with such a scenario, the thyphoid sure would.

We'd all be dead from the flu. Especially me, I'd be very dead had they not operated my neck when I was 14 and removed a cancerous cyst that got inflamed.

Yea, I probably would've died of something that people get vaccinated for these days

Not if knowledge existed how to survive with ease without chemical medicine and hospitals of today.

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