Alice 💋 · 12 answers · 3y

What do you do to stay sharp?

I get to work with kids. Can’t not bring your A-game or they will eat you alive.

Viagr... I mean I sometimes take online courses. I completed a course on the fundamentals of cryptography a couple of months ago. It was on Coursera and I got a certificate for it. I'm planning on taking another course on the fundamentals of deep learning.

these days, mostly read news - try to stay informed, at least as much as I can take without sticking my head in the oven

Play Words with Friends (aka scrabble) and sometimes chess. Maybe writing the occasional essay also counts.

I'm super into retaining competence. So about 3 years ago I've been on a mission to keep my skills razor sharp, I've now got 64 qualifications (granted some of them are me re-getting a qualification for competence sake).

I again started with a new course about Quantum Theory. The lecture already has some errors in it. sigh

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