camille · 11 answers · 9mo

give me one thing that you're thankful for having in this life!

Having loving parents coming all along with me. They have made me the person I become with great amount of love and compassion.

My family and friends for being around. And of course myself. (Gak satu ya…) (maruk dikit)

Makasih kucingku yg lucunya bgt walaupun mulutnya busuk kaya tpu tapi lucu bgt sayangnya aku

Not one thing but my friend(s) and everyone who I cherish the most! Tanpa mereka, aku pasti udah kesepian dan sedih banget, gaada tempat bersandar, gaada yang bisa nguatin aku <3

Thankful .. I'm glad that I still have the chance to fix myself after all the sins I've done.

I'm thankful to have you in my life. But of course, you're not a thing; you're my lil sibling. 🩷

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