š’œurora Ā· 23 answers Ā· 6mo

hi! may i know what is your current favorite song(s)? iā€™m in the mood to explore new songs beyond my playlist šŸ˜Æ

taylor swift - don't blame me
U2 - with or without you
the police - every breath you take
svt - kidult

maaf mainstream šŸ˜­

Lagi suka dengerin Bloom by The Paper Kites, Flower by Johnny Stimson, Man Made By Delusion by Old Sea Brigade.

it's a kpop songs, yamai - orange - thank you by treasure. also, take a chance with me by niki

Coba dengerin lagu-lagunya Maliq, terutama Setapak Sriwedari, Senja Teduh Pelita, Pilihanku, dan Himalaya.

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