Arthur · 9 answers · 19d

Is it worth getting a passport if I'm probably not going to use it?

Nah, too much hassle if you won't use it. The whole reason I got one was that I was traveling internationally.

Yes. As others have said, it can be used for all kinds of reasons. Plus, it's always a bonus workwise to be able to go anywhere at short notice.

Depends on the situation. Do some neighbouring countries require a passport? All of them? Travel to other continents?

You might not use it for travel but here in the US it's a good identity document to have in case your driver's license doesn't cut it. ex. I needed my passport each time to verify my identity at a new job. If your country is similar it might be a good idea to get the process going because it can take a long time for passports to turn around

I wondered the same thing when I got mine, didn't know how much traveling I was going to do, and at the time you didn't need one to go to Canada or Mexico which were the only two countries I'd visited...but ultimately I'm glad I went ahead and did it because things change, like now you need the passport to cross into those countries, and things might change again to where you need one, and here it could take months to get one and if something happens that requires a fast reaction, you could be stuck

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