Jean · 13 answers · 10mo

What triggers you to cry?

there’s a lot, but i can assure you i’m very good at holding back tears😎😎😎 cool right :p

depens 😬. but, one thing that makes me cry easily is when all my efforts fail in vain.

depends... tapi SERING BGT kalo orang ngeliat orang nangis aku ikutan nangis atau ngeliat kiki (NI-KI) nyanyi shout out t______t

depends(?) since im the type of person who cries easily, sometimes... like a few days ago, I cried after watching gyuvin's edit video with the YOYOK by ts as a bgm😔

It depends... Yesterday, it was a long tiring day. Then I watched the video of Zhang Hao doing the Love Me challenge and I immediately shed tears. Sometimes it's just because a simple cute video of animals like cats, or even ducks.. I easily crying, a crybaby I am. 😞

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