MistyRiver · 11 answers · 4y

What are your thoughts on people referring to words like "stupid" and "dumbass" as ableist terms? Do you agree or disagree with this? Y or Y NOT?

The ability to criticize gets eliminated with such thinking, and it brings us closer to a society where we're all effectively lobotomized while the world just burns, as we have blank looks on our faces, helpless and infantile.

I can't think of any time me or people I know have used those words with the intent to be ableist. Like saying 'thats gay/retarded', I think its just an edgy naive use of a word over anything intended to be barbed towards anyone with any mental retardation or someone in the LGBTQIA+ community.

I haven't heard a strong consensus from the disabled community on it so in the meantime I will continue to call people who don't know what an onion is stupid

This view can be valid but it isn't covering any and all of human behaviour or human condition. The usual dumbass we often talk of isn't stupid due to any lack of ability as such, the typical dumbass is not using the abilities that person has shown to possess due to falling for a range of issues that are more or less self inflicted obstacles, like e.g. prejudices, racism, weird beliefs, absorbing lunatic theories and such.

See now, this is why I go with shitbird myself...anyone can be a shitbird...equality! aaaaanyway I hesitate to use them except on myself, but not because I think they are ableist...my instinct is that they are super generic terms, too generic to say that a group is being targeted/diminished - bad ideas can come from all different people of all different mental capacities and different reasons and so on

I can understand people getting upset about hearing words like "retard" or "retarded" used as insults but "stupid" and "dumbass"? No, people don't refer to disabled people as stupid or dumbasses unless you're a huge asshole I guess but that's just not what those words mean. A dumbass is someone who crashes while texting and driving or shoplifts from Walmart. A stupid person is someone who fortnite dances in public or thinks vaping is cool. They're not disabled, just kinda dumb and don't know it.

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