Ocean Machine · 9 answers · 4y

What were your favourite movies from 2019?

I quite enjoyed Joker and Five Feet Apart. Spider-man: Far From Home and Shazam! were also a good time.

Joker was easily my favourite. I can't actually remember any others that came out....

I haven't watched many movies released this year. I liked Us, Knives and Skin was entertaining in a not great way, T O Y S T O R Y 4 was touching.

wtf, how can people seriously say avengers. my favorites were Joker and John Wick 3

Kind of the same here - I sort of wait for movies to come out rather than watch them in the movies. I did break that rule for Endgame though - it was pretty good (preferred Infinity war though for the pacing). The 2019 movie I'm most excited to see is probably Alita Battle Angel.

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