nefarious yeets · 11 answers · 3y

If your doctor asked you to pray with them, how would that make you feel? How would you respond to that request?

I'd play along and after the pray I'd tell them: "Thanks for your services Father/Sister. Will you take my confession in the next session? I need to cleanse my soul."

I'd feel a little awkward. I might want to say no because i'm not religious, but then, I think prayer might have real meaning anyway. Either way I'd probably acquiesce just to be nice, if they're asking me to pray with him then they're reaching out to me..

I definitely wouldn't make a complaint, why try to ruin their life for doing something that doesn't actually hurt me.. if I wanted to say no to them I could. That's some Karen shit.

I'd probably be a bit shocked, and decline. I'd see a different one in future and maybe also make a complaint.

I’d think it somewhat eccentric on their part, but then I’d think that they recognize their own fallibility, but then I’d also be wondering what kind of grades they got in med school that they’re requesting divine intervention.

I'd look for a new doctor. Can't trust their judgement if they think "let Jesus take the wheel" is a valid medical opinion.

Is this autobiographical? The nerve! I would just say no, and quite frankly I have stopped going to doctors for less

I'd be like... um... why ?? bitch either tell me I got cancer or send me away for a second opinion I can't deal with this shit

I recite Gandkvæði Tróndar then turn them in to the GMC (General Medical Council).

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