C. · 9 answers · 7mo

What do you think the best way to not give a fuck?

I don't think I'm the right person to be asked about this, but now I'm curious of what others think about this situation!

Do my own thing because there are a lot of things that worth to be prioritized first.

It will be varies depends on the problem that we currently face. But for me, I think by not taking everything personally [pls take a note that this is a very personal]. Or if you have to, sometimes it's okay to stop following them in social media for the sake of your sanity. < 3

focus and keep leveling yourself. ignorance is a bliss. you don't need any negativities in your life.

focus and be obsessed with myself!!! <3 life is too short to give a damn abt thing that doesn’t make me happily pretty

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