Wasserpistole · 15 answers · 4y

Do you like wine? / Magst du Wein?

yes, white. even my favorite wine (pinot grigio) is kind of custy but it gets me drunk quick and isn't too disgusting

No. I had an intense nervous breakdown yesterday morning, and I did seem to lose control of my motor skills momentarily during it. So what can a lot of wine do to me at a cost that my own brain can't do to me for free? checkmate, alcoholism.

I don't understand how people can like wine. It tastes vile. It tastes just like what I imagine the liquid that collects at the bottom of a trash bag must taste. I have a theory that most people like wine because most people are rotten inside. =P

No. Not that I didn't like the taste, but for some reason it used to negatively affect my mood and made me feel low (the opposite to beer which made me feel good). It's also easy to drink too much wine.

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