Alice 💋 · 14 answers · 3y

What would you say is the dumbest thing people waste their money on?

A couple of days ago I read that a single red pixel has been sold as NFT for $900000. It's kind of dumb if it isn't involved in any kind of money laundry TBH.

I don't really count other people's money unless it's being spent on death and destruction of society... if they are not bothering anybody and they have something that makes them happy I don't give a shit what they do and I have no right to judge what's dumb or not

Expensive name brand stuff. It's always broke people that do it too. Damn I need some rent money, I wonder which pair of jordans I should wear to get a car title loan

Buying coffee every morning. Between the driving out of your way. Then waiting in the long line. I don't get why they don't make coffee at home

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