Arman · 15 answers · 4y

When was the last time you killed a living thing? What was it?

Can't remember. Probably a giant house spider that I released outside, because I don't imagine they're adapted to survive out there. But as I'm killing it indirectly, I feel less guilt than if I was crushing or flushing it, so it's easier.

I don't remember. I don't kill bugs on purpose bc I'm real sad, so I just remove them from my living areas. I probably killed some bacteria or some shit when I disinfected my counter top yesterday

It was a fungus, and I'm not sorry for evicting it outta my outer ear tissue.

Point is I hate fungi.

A spider tbh. I always feel awful about it and hesitate for minutes on end but I can't stand the thought of them in my room, even if their presence is harmless.

We have these cute little beetles in our house, my mom calls them weebles but I don't think they're weebles. They're not as disgusting looking and their legs are shorter. Anyway, a couple of days ago I was lying in bed and one got in my ear. I was afraid it would fall deeper into my ear and I didn't think in time to turn my head over to the other side to let it fall out, so I grabbed it and kinda scraped it outta my ear. I think I squished it slightly and I don't know if I killed it or mortally injured it or what. Felt bad about it.

The little potted tree I'd been growing the last couple of years, it doesn't seem to have survived being moved, I'm a butcher 😔

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