Pandy · 11 answers · 2y

Is walking 10,000 steps in a day considered a lot of exercise for you?

I have no idea how long 10,000 steps is vis a vis how much I typically walk on a day when I'm out. I guess I probably don't usually walk nearly that much. But walking a lot has never seemed like much exercise to me (though I can't run even a little bit for crap). I could walk for hours no problem. Or at least I used to be able to. Nowadays my right hip starts hurting after 20-30 minutes.

Not really? My phone counts them automatically, and on a work day the lowest total was 6000 and over 10000 was pretty common - and those totals are low because there are places I can't bring my phone

I wouldn’t have a clue how many steps I do in a day. I do love to walk though.

It’s a reasonable amount. I spend quite a bit of time on my feet. Don’t sit down very much throughout the day.

I can’t hit that many steps anymore :( during the pandemic when I was working from home and my son was much younger I was constantly on the move and hit at least 10k everyday. Now that I have to go to work and my work doesn’t really include a lot of walking, I barely get 4000 steps in :(

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