š™š Ā· 19 answers Ā· 5mo

Do you easily express your feelings?

Not really... I can talk it out sometimes, but most of the times I have a trouble of putting it into words

Yes I am. I have the ability to explain my feelings in the clearest words possible.

i do but sometimes i don't ._. kalo aku ngerasa baiknya buat disimpen sendiri i prefer not to express how i feel

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like my emotions are always on display. I try hard to be open with people, and even when I'm quiet, my body language is like a neon sign flashing my feelings.

Yes! Aku tipe orang yang kalo sedih, badmood, kesel, bete, marah, seneng, pasti keliatan banget sih..

it's easy for me to express how much i love someone, but it's difficult for me to express disappointment, sadness, anger and other. how about you, Cath?

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