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inhahe · 17 answers · 11mo

If someone offered you $200 for being ugly, would you accept it?

Cash or Zelle? Sorry, I didn't read the words after you said someone's gonna offer me 200 bucks.

I wouldn't mind the $200, I mean it's just one person's opinion! However, I've been told that I'm good looking by quite a few people, so I wouldn't really believe it XD

I tell the worst jokes. People laugh. The worst part is they laugh before I speak.

Since "ugly" is a judgement and not a feature I take the money and leave the judgement to the beholder.

sure people can have their opinion, if they want to pay me for having that i won’t say no to free money

My old girlfriend's dad had a saying. I mean I'm sure it wasn't HIS but it's the first place I heard it: it doesn't matter what you're called, it matters what you answer to...I feel like taking that money is answering to that name, and it $200 isn't remotely close to being enough to tempt me to sell myself out

happy voice Ugly is offering people money to call them "ugly" in a socially acceptable way, be like me and call people cute for free whenever they ask about their appearance!

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