Merida · 13 answers · 9mo

Have you ever gone to the movies alone?

When I was still a kid, we lived within walking distance of a discount theater (a thing that no longer exists, this was in 1836). I saw quite a few talkies there, and I saw about half of them alone. I thought it was a really good time, even when the movies were very bad. 'cause I love the freedom of not having to worry if someone else is having a good time. Because I'm an awful person.

Also, I saw The Road there alone, even though I wasn't quite old enough to get into an R rated movie alone. I think that's the only R rated movie they let me into alone, though.

Nope. I wanted to go to a local little concert hall last week but I didn't. I thought it would be weird if I went there alone. I really wanted to go because I've never seen a live music performance in my life ... sighs

I mean I only go to the movies like twice a year tops but yeah I have no issue going alone though I do feel judgment when you go to the counter to pay for the ticket, mind your own business MAKAYLA

No but I don't go to the movies much in general. I've been a handful of times in the last decade

When I was younger, I sometimes would while feeling slightly embarrassed. The big screen doesn't bring enough value to the movie to justify it for me these days, so I can just wait until a nice torrent of it is available.

No, but once or twice I went to the movies with others and we split up into different movies and I think I might have been the only one to see my particular movie.

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