Kate Matsuda · 15 answers · 3y

This is the women's day. What do we celebrate exactly?

I didn't know it's a day to celebrate. I was under the impression that in this day we should remember that women in many cultures have been treated unfairly and we should do something to stop it.

Like with some other days and months we call 'celebrations', it's more of a marking than a celebration imo. People don't take to the streets en masse to chant "stop killing us!" or somberly paint the names of the dead on walls, during genuine celebrations. On the Months and days where a lot of this occurs, I think we're supposed to be reflecting on more than Marie Curie's career or the fact that someone gave birth to us.

Not being a man, that’s what we celebrate :)

I’m gonna share something here because I saw it today and it’s kinda relevant.
It was a TikTok of a woman asking “what do men bring to the table?”

The comments were awful. So many men were like “well we bought the table, we made the table, we got the food you’re eating, we built the house” blah blah blah.

It’s like they all collectively forgot that a woman gave them life. A woman spent almost 10 months of her life using her own body to nourish and protect them, bringing them into this world, only for them to turn into a misogynistic prick.

🔮 1900s vs 2000s so much has happened in consideration of gender equality 🎭. The movement began in the early 1900s (before that women were truly submissive never to be heard and only seen for the most part.) 💩Granted life's not perfect ....but it's much better that what it once was. 🌺Most holidays are meant to commemorate and acknowledge history so 🍀 the future can have a direction of progress. 🍷 it's a good reason to say cheers.... and enjoy another day of life with hope of greater things.

...women's achievements and marks on society as a whole... and take the time to commemorate the wonderful women in our lives...?

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