LaDamaX · 13 answers · 2y

Do you have a drawer where you keep random condiments from your takeout orders or other items? What’s in there?

I did have. All kinds of stuff in there, napkins, fortune cookies, packets of saltines that come with salads, half used-up disposable lighters, and AAA batteries because I bought a large package of them by mistake when I actually needed AA.

No, but I have an edge in my fridge that holds all the condiments and sauces from various sushi orders that I didn't use up.

I don't have a single drawer in my apartment. And it's been a long time since I ordered food ...

It doesn’t have any take away paraphernalia in it but it does have a hell of a lot of keys. Pairs of sunglasses. A couple of bottles of perfume. Keyrings. Lighters. Post-its. Pens of every description. Balls of string. All kinds of Sellotape. Glue.

Yes, lol I have mostly Chinese food condiments.. soy sauce, plum sauce,. Chinese mustard. I like that😁

We have such a drawer, or compartment anyway, in the door of the fridge. I'm not sure what's in there, hot Chinese mustard, soy sauce, maybe some BBQ sauce, maybe some marinara sauce, etc.

hahaha mostly Taco Bell Diablo sauce, ketchup, and soy sauce packets (they always give you like 18 packets when you need 2) and then a bunch of those spoon/knife/fork combos that come in the plastic...just throwing the condiments out always feels weird and wasteful but once in a while I will just dump them, they gotta expire at some point I'm thinking

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