LaDamaX · 11 answers · 11mo

You can never be lonely if you like who you’re alone with. Agree or disagree?

I feel like that's a less mean or kinda PMA version of, "If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company."

I don't really agree with any affirmations that put forward the idea that a lack of "self-love" is the cause of all negative experiences and emotions.

Loneliness is an extremely common, nuanced, part of being alive. All kinds of people feel lonely. Not liking yourself can make alleviating loneliness harder, I think. If you don't feel worthy of company then you are probably less likely to seek it. But I don't think a high self-esteem would eliminate the problem of loneliness.

I think that's true. If we enjoy our free time alone, it doesn't feel lonely but more energizing. That's not to say we want to be alone forever, just that free time can be important to maintaining mental health.

I disagree. I've liked (even loved) people who I've been with and I've felt extremely lonely bc I've felt invisible to their eyes or I felt they didn't care about me...

As others have wisely noted, I do believe that loneliness comes from within, but also that there are people who are capable of bringing out that feeling in you, even when they are physically present

You can be lonely even when your partner is close. A partner is not a drug to get rid of loneliness and a lack of presence isn't the same as loneliness. Loneliness is inside you not between you and other people.

I love being alone. But… sometimes my husband makes me feel lonely. When? when we go on the rare outing and instead of being present with me he anxiously awaits for the date to be over so he can go home. 🙄

I've found that to be true. I'm most happy alone. For big stretches of time anyway😊

I do disagree because I think we need social connections. However I will express a similar sentiment I do agree with - don’t fear being alone, choose to be alone over being with someone who doesn’t treat you well.

No, just more inspirational memecrap. Humans are deeply social animals. And the soul thrives on communion with others.

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