Harriel A. Mikhaila

Roses are red, I'm going to bed.

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Medina · 5 answers · 1y

what's your all time favorite cartoon character guys please tell me

Popeye, since I was little I really wanted to eat spinach as much as him without agonizing over the taste.

Medina · 4 answers · 1y

menurut kalian makanan apa yang paling enak di dunia?

evan · 14 answers · 1y

Tengah malem biasanya pada ngapain, moots?

Gean · 17 answers · 1y

Minority rules toxic
Putus karena doi selingkuh atau putus baik-baik tapi besoknya doi udah jadian lagi?

Cr. Algio

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Sabtu pagi kesibukannya apa kak

Sabtu pagi minggu lalu sibuk ngejar deadline tugas! Sama ngedesign sesuatu buat tugas deh. Btw, maaf balesnya lama non. Baru buka retro lagi. :D

verena calluella · 10 answers · 1y

wrong answer only! kenapa padi ditanemnya mundur?

gondry · 1y

Your weirdest yet favorite food combination?

Pernah coba vanilla ice cream KFC campur cream soupnya gak? Gua suka itu. Tapi yang paling gua suka tetep french fries dicocol vanilla ice cream.

🎸 · 19 answers · 1y

Happy Valentine's day everyone! Kalo ga punya pacar gapapa, inget biasanya juga sendiri ❤

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