RhymewithRay · 15 answers · 1y

Relating to my previous qn (How does your oc feel about their parents?)

Does your oc think they would raise their kids differently than from how they were raised?

Claris would try to be the parent her caretaker was to her, since her actual family neglected her. Her caretaker was caring, somewhat strict but always meant well for Claris and would be there to comfort her.

ATM Nat doesn't want children, she's not a big fan of them...but who knows someone might change her mind or not!

Given that Yorra was still too young to experiment any flaws in her already doting parents before they died, she's comfortable with raising her own kids the same way she remembers them raising her.

Its a different matter if it's other parental figures like Zeph's grandpa in which case she already resolved to NOT heap her own personal biases and expectations onto her kids or worse use them as mere vehicles to further any ambitions that she herself couldn't experience.

For Jin and Mary it's not so much about raising their kids like their parents. But it's about being the present parents they didn't have. From Mary losing her parents to Jin never really getting to know hers, they both take the responsibility of being there for their children incredibly seriously. And that even extends to them opening a foster home so more kids can have people to take care of them.

Odd actually considers his father his role model , so he would probably try to emulate his own dad if he ever had kids.

If he had to change something from his dad, though, Odd might try to talk/level with his children about serious subjects in a way that would let them draw a reasonable conclusion while still keeping some of a child's innocence in their viewpoint; Odd's dad still talked with him in a approachable way, just at times not really sugarcoating some of the harsher realities of how the world can work

Balei would/is raising them pretty much the same, sweet but still stern and allowing them to follow their passions!

Fausto would be scared at first but would soon raise his kids like his dad did but he would try to spoil them much more because of the opportunity he worked for!

Estella is ultimately proud of her parents and grateful for her upbringing, but she would at least endeavor not to feud with her children about their dreams like her mother did with her.

Not that Estella would just go along and support ANYTHING they did, but she'd try to prevent things from ever escalating knowing full well that even if she really didn't want her kid to do something, she'd only drive them closer to doing it by shutting it down.

100%, Wily would be the parent that's paranoid they're not cut out for it. Ironically he's actually great with kids, but would probably trip over himself for his own kid.

Polly would never try to raise her kid as part of the "family image".

Jasmine: Not really She loves her parents, she just feel s bit dissapointed that they gave up on her brother after his disappearance

Andres: H eloves his Granpa But he thinks that his method of parenting might be a bit too strict, so he would try to be less strict (althought he might end up soiling his first kid accidentally)

Avian grew up as a lonely child to two loving but career driven parents. He would wanna be around more and have more than just one so his kids end up happier.

Stahl raised his son differently, he didn't die.

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