Shannon. · 11 answers · 3mo

What are your thoughts on the retirement age going up to 71?

In the USA I can picture it getting to that too.

If the life expectancy goes up, as a result of aging getting slowed down, then it only makes sense. But, only then basically.

So, probably not very good as it is.

Hmm, well, not good thoughts considering my grandfather died at 68 and my dad died at 38. So statistically I'll be long dead and the government will never have to pay me any retirement 😆😭

It's garbage, they are going to have most of us living hand to mouth, laboring right up until we die, owning nothing and accumulating no wealth, I'm ready to start hucking molotovs whenever ya'll are

Awful. Just because people are living longer doesn't mean we should subject people to lining other people's pockets for longer. If you WANT to work at that age that's another thing, but barring people from retiring until 71 seems like an awful way to treat people who've been working basically their whole lives. Let people retire with some dignity and life in them still, good lord

I still like my profession, so I’m good. I am off during summer if I choose to be.

*by 2050... tbh I'm hoping to be in a good position in 26 years where I should be able to either retire or no longer 'have to work'... I'm quite focused on getting out of the rat race as quick as I can... as I can feel it actively killing me.

In most western countries the population is ageing and where the pension funds are fed from the working part of the population there is a gap opening as the number of youngsters cannot support so many elderly. But it is a long standing foreseeable problem. Politicians saw it too. But they do not want the majority of the elderly to be mad at them. So they kept silent and rose the retirement age. While they still have plenty of income as politicians since their pension funds are filled from taxes. But when you grab your local MP by the tie and start slapping their faces like they deserve they lament and call the police.

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