Daniel · 16 answers · 4y

Do you think it was useless to learn all that stuff in school that you never use in your life?

It’s like asking athletes if all the non “not their sport” exercises are useless. Of course not. It’s all flexing some sort of muscle that you’ll probably use later. Studying seemingly unrelated things flexes your brainzo. For example, why the hell did I need to study chemistry? Well... now when I teach math, i can draw on my (very limited) chem knowledge and connect with my chem majors.

It's hard to know what you're like when you don't know stuff. But seeing what American's are like with a lack of fundamental reading, writing and mathematical skills... I'd say I'm mostly thankful for my education.

To be honest I do not do much calculus these days but I use the lessons of History, German, English, Math, French, Latin on a daily basis. I could have done without sports though. Those were really useless hours.

Almost useless, because nothing is really 100% in vain in this reality in my opinion, in my buddhistic opinion.

i have a lot of problems with public education but i wouldn't say those things were useless in that i don't believe knowledge necessarily must have a practical application in your daily life for it to be inherently valuable

Not necessarily but there's much more important stuff that they don't bother teaching at all which is a big problem

Not useless really, I just wish priorities were different - as far as I can tell the priority is creating new cogs for the machinery and not thinking and caring individuals

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