Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

How many disabled people do you know personally?

I know loads of them. Some with only physically disabilities; the majority with both physical and learning disabilities. (A member of my family is disabled and I’ve done lots and lots of voluntary work.)

more than i care to keep track of tbh. most of them have "invisible" disabilities that are not necessarily physical

I would say two - a neighbor and an ex who are probably both going to be in wheelchairs for life

I have two cousins that are deaf and mute. I used to hang out with them when I was younger but now I rarely see them. They're married and are busy with their family and kids.

This girl who's been my good friend since about 1994, and who says I'm her best friend, is disabled. I can't think of anyone else. I know someone who has half of one of her arms missing, but I don't know if that counts as disabled.

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