Daniel · 12 answers · 3y

What do you associate with the following things: Dark souls, anime, entropy, Capybara, tissue, instagram, dom, China

Dark Souls: "The Dark Souls of"

Anime: Tiddies

Entropy: Isolated System is not the best MUSE song

Capybara: Coconut dog

Tissue: stores N2 under pressure

Instagram: "doin it for the 'gram"

Dom: Catholics flexing with their fancy churches

China: fancy ceramics

Difficult, One Piece, Crash Bandicoot (lol), Dog Rodent, Sneezing, Attention Seeking, Family, Lo Mein.

Impossible, Japan, waste, mommy, surgery, aspiring models, FAMILY, shit quality knockoffs

dark souls= goths, anime= Japan, entropy= Chaos/classroom, Capybara=gentle giant hamsters, tissue=cells, Instagram= visual sensory overload, dom=Why can’t we just say the whole word? , China= China virus/Trump

bonfires, tsundere girls who give you nothing but attitude but love you deep down, chaos theory, giant rats, those Charmin commercials with the bears who poop like people, Facebook still having you, do you mean dom like Madame Penelope punishing me kind of dom?, and Chairman Mao

Dark souls - nothing. Anime- waifu. Entropy- physics. Capybara- you. Tissue - corpse. Instagram - camera. Dom- whip. China - 🇨🇳

Dark Souls - Bloodborne
Anime - One Piece
Entropy - emo song
Capybara - Brazilian dude on here rides one to and from work
Tissue - human flesh
Instagram - Wannabe Kardashians
Dom - Vin Diesel's character on the fast and furious movies
China - Dim sum

dark souls - a video game

anime - studio ghibli

entropy - physics, thermodynamics

capybara - giant rodent

tissue - innards, operations, sneezes

instagram - hot girls

dom - document object model (web programming)

china - very populated country full of people with yellow skin and slanty eyes

Dark souls: Stephen King. Anime: cartoons. Entropy: internet friend. Capybara: chupacabra. Tissue: nose. Instagram: you. Dom: Perignon. China: duck.

In order of appearance: swords, Naruto, physics, São Paulo (the city), sneeze, data, tech, power

the guy from assassin's creed, big anime tiddies, delta S, biggest rodent, a collection of cells, the instagram logo, me, Chaiiiina

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