Daniel · 13 answers · 2y

Are you someone who can enjoy laying on the beach all day without doing anything else?

Enjoy is a stretch, I tend to get bored these days. I can feel content from it but also that I should be doing something

No. I’ve never been much of a sun worshiper. I will also burn and get all bubbly like cheese on a pizza, peel, and turn a splotchy brown tone that makes me look like I’m covered in melasma. I also detest getting sand in all the no-no areas. Nice walk around the beach or trek through the tide pools, but no lying around in the sand the whole day for me.

Yup. I can do that, but the right mood will only come after some action. Like e.g. sailing with a boat and then drop anchor in a bay where to stay the rest of the day.

All day is way too much but I can appreciate the sound of the waves for hours as long as there's no one else around

Not my idea of fun. At least reading a book while laying on the beach is less boring.

No. It’s the same as lying at a pool all day. Boring as hell. And I’ll get sunburnt to death.

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