Daniel · 12 answers · 2y

Do you sometimes feel discriminated?

In a theocracy you, as a non-clergy person, are inferior to clergymen by the law. Furthermore, if you're born into a family with a religion or sect different than the official one, you go down a bit further in the social class system. Since I don't have the aforementioned "privileges", I have to be discriminated against by the law. I should say that I'm super lucky that I have X chromosomes in this country! Females are way way down in the social class system in this Islamic theocracy.

Yes. Having a vagina can stop you from getting/doing all kinds of things penis-holders take for granted. I bet you’ve never walked into a boardroom and have everyone in there presume you’re only there to make the tea.

I used to, but my own behaviour instigated it as well. How we react to it matters but that's difficult when ​we feel flat on our arse, without a perceivable way forward

In my actual day-to-day interactions? Sometimes, yeah, weekly maybe. Really shocking and immediately traumatizing stuff is rarer, though. I doubt that'd be true if I wasn't the color of an undercooked saltine. But people aren't as bad as they want to be, I find. Then again, my standards for human decency are kind of low.

Its happened. I lived in country where I was formally declared a 'B Class Citizen', and I've had my fair share of ageism in the office. While its not a big deal me being a 'white man' comes up a lot in online shit talk.

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