Daniel · 12 answers · 1y

What is too long?

Giraffes' necks. Like we get it, you eat things off trees and there is no god, so just chill already.

The legs of this jumpsuit. By at least 2 feet. I’m 5 foot 6. I don’t know who on earth they thought had legs this length!

My damn covid infection is gone and now I deal with fatigue, tiredness and still miserable body feeling plus cough and headaches.

Catholic mass said in Spanish vs Catholic mass said in English. It takes AT LEAST 20 minutes more to say the exact sane thing in Spanish. 😔

Pardon my French but my ****. It's so long that I sometimes have to detach it and carry it in my backpack.

P.S. Of course I'm talking about my nose you perverts!

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