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Daniel · 15 answers · 9mo

What's something that you have bought recently?

I just bought a package of four genuine glass Christmas tree bulbs during our yard sale hunting this morning, for $1. It's hard to find glass bulbs these days, everything is plastic now, and the plastic just doesn't look the same, it's not as shiny or bright and it has seams. And of course not to mention the environmental impact.

I had to buy a new electric shaver because I dropped my old one and broke it, ugh I hate myself

I did buy a fine gin. Named after the Danish strait of Skagerrak. Wasn't a cheap purchase but totally worth it. Now I cannot drink any other one. When you are spoilt then you are lost for anything less fancy. Before you judge me as a spoilt brat just keep in mind my go to drink is tap water. I love water. But I am lucky in that regard. In many areas in this world water is a rare supply and of questionable quality but you simply need it and it doesn't just come out of a tap. It's been carried over miles by foot. I know I am a privileged person.

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