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Do you usally open the door when someone rings the doorbell?
If I know em yeah
My doorbell actually doesn't work. We had duct tape over it because it could sometimes make my boyfriend's heart problems dog faint, just towards the end of his life. Not the sound itself, like it didn't ring and he dropped or anything. It was just the overexertion it triggered him into. He felt deeply obligated to lose his entire shit about someone being at the door. He always was completely friendly to everyone at the door, though, just really hated that doorbell. So when the dog died (note: it's okay, he lived to be seven-years-old without any major health issues cropping up til the end there, which the vet was shocked by because his heart was so bad.) So we finally took the duct tape off one day, only to discover the doorbell no longer rings. Seemed like a tribute to the dog, kinda. His great wish was to kill that doorbell, so we faked the doorbell being dead to save him the stress, but it really did die. The doorbell probably didn't outlive him after all. His wish really came true.
What was the questi- oh yeah... I mean, usually probably, yes. But I don't always open the door for people if I don't know them. I assess the situation for a second. There are also people I unfortunately do know that I won't answer the door for, so. Just depends.
Main door has a phone so most people ringing the flat doorbell will see me :)
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