Alice šŸ’‹ Ā· 14 answers Ā· 3y

Do you have a favorite beer? This stuff is made here locally

I hate beer. Honestly, I used to try to be that ''cool girl'' back in my late teens/early 20s.

I like blue moon tbh. If I really want to party though voodoo rangers are good

Not a big beer drinker. After one serving, I feel like my belly is distended and super gassy. I donā€™t care much for that feeling. Iā€™d rather not have to pregame it with a Beano or take a Gas-X as a chaser. šŸ’Ø

I'm not super picky, Wednesday evening I drank a plain ol' Bud Light for the first time in years and maybe it was because it was hot as balls but man that shit hit the spot...anyway all I ask is that you don't choke me with hops...I like a few of the Sam Adams seasonals, the Summer Ale is cool, and Oktoberfest should be coming around pretty soon I think

I have: Jever. It is strongly hopped and bitter. But it isn't too popular for the same reason I do like it for.

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