Arman · 11 answers · 1y

[Hot take on women's suffrage I heard on YouTube] "... I think Rights [should] come w/ responsibilities. One of the reasons that men had the right to vote was because they were subject to the draft and they still are ..." Thoughts? Counterarguments?

I had some thoughts, but they fell out after watching some of the video because it's so not a debate. You can't engage with that, it's not an argument. That video is like a uniquely boring nightmare, though. Everyone in it has a trust fund. Yeah she seems to think women only took care of children during the draft. And then all the girls rate themselves? it's like a parody of douchebaggery. I stopped watching right after that. I live so far away from this kind of entertainment, it's sort of a culture shock that people will watch this and be into it. But they are, the comments are so serious.

Rights are inalienable. The draft shouldn't exist. Nobody should vote and government shouldn't exist. #Anarchism #Voluntaryism

Most rights come with responsibilities. To claim that women should not have the right to vote due to them being not responsible or intelligent enough is plain stupid. In each queue in front of the check out at a supermarket you'll find people of any gender you very likely would not like to have a vote due to open visibility of stupidity. So that argument is void.

I think he sounds bitter about the "responsibilities" that men are subject to under patriarchy and he's projecting they bitterness onto women instead of examining the systems that force men to do those things

Landladies (land owning women) could also vote without having to be subject to the draft. It would be nice in some ways to say rights are to be earned... but it wouldn't be society if you can't afford human rights to all.

Won't women just vote for whoever has the nicest hat? (Actual argument against women's suffrage!)

I don't believe in rights cz they're just fantasy like religion. Whatever it's out there it won't last cz really it's just fantasy and people overall don't know why water boils let alone what are rights?

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