Chayyi. · 19 answers · 1y

If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?

Jadi anime, biar bisa nikahin pacarku. Ga enak gini LDR beda dimensi (inisial Princia)

Penasaran rasanya jadi Wonyoung tapi mentalku belum siap buat ngadepin haters gila

I don't have any names in mind, but anyone who lives their life without any regrets.

boleh nantian ga? mau ngerasain jadi istrinya heeseung, jay, juyeon, jisung di masa depan.

I would love to be Matilda in Matilda movies😂. Imagine having the most genius brain on earth, a loving caretaker (after she's being adopted), and a telekinesis power!

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