Marva · 17 answers · 8mo

Do u ever get scared of losing someone?

I was always afraid of losing someone tapi dia lebih memilih pergi dari kehidupanku dan sekarang kita menjadi asing

Depends on the context, I guess. But if we are talking about losing someone as in.... Their departure from this world... Of course, I do. Especially if they are my dear ones.

I often feel that. Soalnya yang pergi ga nunggu kita siap dulu. Makanya takut. Karena we all know, menerima hal kayak gitu tuh sangat jauh dari kata mudah.

I always get scared, ended up losing them. And concluded that however terrifying it might be, if that someone wants to stay, they would. If not, ya we would lose them eventually.

tentu pernah dan sering banget. sekarang lagi berusaha buat mikir setiap orang pasti ada masanya dan setiap orang dipertemukan pasti karena suatu alasan. jadi, kalo masanya udah habis, ya siap ga siap harus siap buat kemungkinan terburuk

Dulu iya, sekarang ya masih takut sih. Tapi lebih ke yaudah kalo emang jalannya begitu.

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