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AnO__onymous · 3mo

Aras lagi naksir orang ngga

𐙚 · 4 answers · 3mo

whats your guys dream job if money didn't matter?

Florist? I just love being surrounded with pretty blooms. The thought of seeing them every day while doing the work just warms my heart!

Nama · 2 answers · 5mo

sebentar lagi Februari selesai nih. jadi, gimana Februarinya?

It feels like a ride of rollercoaster, to be honest.. garuk-garuk kepala Momen happy-nya banyak, momen sedihnya juga sama banyaknya!

Sh. · 14 answers · 6mo

Apa makanan yang you never thought you'll like?

Nigiri sushi.. like those type of sushi with raw seafood on top. I always though I'll never like that food since it's raw and I'm kind of afraid with how it will tastes in my mouth but surprisingly it climbs on the first list of food that I always craves the most.

Aurich Heindelz · 68 answers · 6mo

What you love so much of being your parents' kid?

They let me do anything that I want. They didn't force me to do anything that they want, they said as long as I'm happy with any decisions that I made— they will feel the same way.

ash · 16 answers · 6mo

Dari 1-100 coba rate seberapa suka kalian sama keju??

Kaivan · 10 answers · 7mo

Happy new year 2024 ! Apa resolusi kalian di tahun ini ?

Happy new year, Kaivan! Resolusinya.. trying to get out from my comfort zone? Tahun ini mau lebih berani dari tahun 2023, pengen challenge diri lebih banyak lagi. What's yours?

Sh. · 10 answers · 8mo

Would you rather lose someone you love or lose yourself?

This is such a hard question but I guess I would choose to lose myself. Gak bisa bayangin kalo nantinya aku kehilangan orang yang aku sayang banget and it would hurt even bad than losing myself. Kehilangan dua-duanya gak enak, sih. But if I lose myself, aku masih bisa benerin diri aku pelan-pelan even if it takes more time but if I love someone that I love.. belum tentu mereka bisa balik lagi ke aku, kan? 😅

Sh. · 9 answers · 8mo

Pernah kepikiran ga gimana kalau nanti kalian jadi orang tua?

𐙚 · 8 answers · 8mo

between spotify, apple music, and yt music, wich one would u choose?

streets said youtube music has a good quality than the other platforms but i'd still choose spotify :>

Sebastian · 11 answers · 9mo

What do you do when your crush starts to give you mixed signals? I'm confused.

aduh, yang pertama pasti bakal.. bingung. i would ask them apa yang sebenernya mereka mau walaupun kadang didn't end up well. tapi ya.. kadang pun tetep aku biarin aja. aku ikutin apa maunya tapi semisal they keep giving me mixed signals for too long, i'll leave. capek kalo di situasi gitu terus. if you happen to experience that, semangat ya ian! hope things turns out good for you. {fingers crossed}

Sh. · 7 answers · 9mo

One song that you'll associate with when you're feeling your lowest?

this is such an interesting question tbh. :3 i can say.. breathe by Lee Hi is that song i'll associate when i'm at my lowest. it's just.. the whole song brings me a comfort and reminds me to take a deep breath while things are hard to bear.

Jovan Angelo. · 9mo

Greetings! aku sender dari base yang ngajak temenan dari 4 hari yang lalu kemarin but still, jangan lupa give me a followback ya! terimakasih!

halo haloo, okaay i already shoot you a followback yaa! nice to see you around here, gio. :>

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