Candra Wetan · 15 answers · 8mo

hal apa yang bikin kamu bertahan (disaat hampir nyerah)

my mom, she's the one i always have to protect, because my own father couldn't protect her and treat her well, so i as his child, even though my world was shaken and almost gave up, i always remember that i still have a mom to protect in this cruelty world.

Most of it, my mother! She's the only one who always supporting me to be better, always there when i needed her the most, she's my spirit, my only medicine even when i fall apart, she picks me up and holds me close. I only live for her

Ada anabul yang harus aku jaga, masih banyak tempat yang belum aku kunjungi, masih banyak hal yang belum pernah aku coba, I haven't met my best version of me yet.

paling sederhana, one piece belum tamat. sisanya mama, karena gue cuma ada mama, jadi mama mama mama. nggak boleh bikin mama sedih, banyak hal yang mama lalui demi gue, jadi kalau cuma sekedar harus hidup demi mama, gue harus bisa.

I can't give you an answer that is common to everyone. But for me, it is as simple as i still want to feel the excitement when my favorite artist releasing new music or the excitement when i achieve something. I can't lie that i really want to feel those excitement again. I might be tired but if i had to stop, that's mean i will never feel it again when even though i don't know the exact time, someday i will feel the excitement i really want to feel.

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