Weston. · 6 answers · 3mo

Anyway, any suggest for releasing the toxicity mind before it becomes a form of bad habit?

I'd rather to throw them out of my mind or maybe you could keep yourself occupied to restrain yourself getting drowned in them.

Coping mechanism saya kalau lagi stress adalah turu, selain itu mungkin berubah jadi alay. 🤣

Try to find some coping mechanism! Aku biasanya kalo pikirannya lagi kacau suka sibukin diri, kaya main games, denger lagu, nonton dan lain-lain. Kalo udah bener-bener yang kacau atau udah ga mempan, I will take a short trip! Nikmatin pemandangan and enjoying a me time. Oh, atau coba ajakin ngobrol yang lain!!! For me, it works.

Honestly I just stop thinking sometimes, like not thinking about that thing that makes you overthink. 🤒

mmmm i re-think that sometimes we need dors toxicity stays in our mind, but you have to control and manage it well. we can’t just let go it like that, cause sometimes it’s hard tho ngl hehe, the best thing to do is to enjoy the feeling that you feel, and go hangout or someone to talk to… let it flew like a wind brushes the tree. ah i’m sorry if this didn’t answer your question, but if you need someone to talk, you can reach me out Weston.

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