Penelope · 13 answers · 3y

What do you think of ‘COVID passports’? Are they the path to virus freedom, or a divisive and discriminatory ploy? Will they do more harm than good? Tell me.

No I hate them. I think they're terrible and a threat to autonomy.

Yes, I understand how important it is to be vaccinated against the virus.

Covid is here to stay. Its not leaving any time soon. With the best will in the world, we cannot completely prevent people from catching the virus and that is an unrealistic, undesirable goal anyway.

It will help curtail the spread of the disease, but I think it would be pretty heavy-handed not to allow anyone to travel etc. who doesn't feel comfortable injecting dangerous chemicals into their bloodstream.. coercing people into getting injections of any sort seems rather dystopian to me. (Not that it's not something we already do.) Also, I've heard that vaccine passports would be illegal for some reason. So, I think there are pluses and minuses and I'm not sure which side is best. Personally, I'd be one without such a passport..

un-vaccinated people can always come up with their own means of travel. As long as the government doesn't requite them there's nothing wrong with it at all.

You know... if I/you have to present our child’s vaccine card for them to sit in a classroom... then get vaccinated. If you have time to travel and pay for a plane/train ticket, then you have the time and resources to get a simple vaccine.

I personally think they’re a good thing. If people don’t wanna have the vaccine then that’s fine it’s their choice, but then they don’t get the privilege of travel, I think that’s fair 🙂

Maybe they’ll create vaccine factions, where people who received the same vaccine look out for each other, no matter what bruh. “Sorry we’re closed ! Oh you’re a Pfizer? Come on in!!!”

As I see that people turn everything brought up with good intentions into a bully scheme I fear the fate of such passports have a good chance to become a reason for attacks, envy, vanity and any other sort of imaginable shit.

I'm not sure there is much in the way of alternatives controls for large scale events. The government needs to be careful about what information is on the passports... for example there should be a 'status' and maybe 'NI number' (so if a business needs to verify you they can).

I find it amusing some Tory MP's being against them for fear of creating a two tier society, when their own raison d'être has been to make the rich richer and keep the poor even poorer.

I'm quite happy for a vaccine passport to be rolled our. I'm quite certain allowances can be made for those who cannot be vaccinated rather than those who are too stupid to be vaccinated.

They're a good counter measure against super spreaders. One of the past covid spikes was directly related to idiot spring breakers in FL where they don't want to enforce any covid restrictions. It also provides an incentive for people to get vaccinated, so I'm fully onboard with the idea.

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