Daniel · 12 answers · 5y

Whats the most expensive thing that you have bought?

In recent history, a thinkpad for €250.
I think I've never spent more than €500 in my entire life, feels bad.

Define "thing". As in a single buyable object? Probably my phone. As in a functional unit? My bed. As in a composition of objects which I bought in one act? My furniture.

An apartment for over half a million euros courtesy of the banks of course. Its no longer mine. It was fabulous. It was the last place I called home.

Collectively my gaming pc, which I have put over ten grand into since 2016, but that barely counts. As a single purchase, my AR-15 at twelve hundred usd.

The computer I'm typing at right now. It cost about $3100, $4000 if you include the speakers and amp that are attached to it.

My house. After that my car, then probably my wedding ring I'm unfortunately stuck with.

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